Join the cream of the crop!
Discover our two loyalty programs: Océane Prime and Océane Prime Plus ✨
Above all, we love to pamper you and we wanted a loyalty program that meets YOUR needs with a real gain to thank you for your loyalty!
Ocean Prime
- FREE DELIVERY every month
- 5% off SITEWIDE all year round
- No commitment : stop your subscription with one click.
Oceane Prime Plus
- FREE DELIVERY every month
- 5% off SITEWIDE
- A FREE consultation at the salon (or by video)
Discover the benefits of our programs

- It's time to stock up on your hair care products! Thanks to Océane Prime Plus , you benefit from 5% on the entire site.
- Also benefit from a free consultation. Whether it's to schedule your next appointment at the salon or to get hair care advice from the Avakian team, this consultation is offered to you once a year! Not to be missed ✨
- Shopping addict? No problem! You get free delivery every month!
- Océane Prime Plus is a year-round subscription to benefit from numerous advantages and discounts!
- As part of your Océane Prime Plus subscription, you benefit from a free consultation with Océane or our team each year.
- This consultation can be done at the salon or by videoconference for more flexibility!
- To book your consultation, book directly via our “reservation ” page by selecting the “consultation” service.

- Pay only for your products and not for delivery? It's possible with Océane Prime . Benefit from free delivery every month!
- 5% off on the entire site all year round ... The dream, right? Yes, on the entire site without exception. The super hair routines are yours!
- Without commitment, with the Océane Prime subscription you can stop your subscription at any time (but it would be a shame to see you leave 😢)
Your dashboard
your advantages?
In your subscriber area, you have a dashboard where you can consult at any time the amount you have saved thanks to your Océane Prime or Océane Prime Plus subscription ✨

You can also check if your free delivery is available and book your * free consultation.
*Only for Océane Prime Plus subscribers.