Patrice Mulato, beauty made in France
We offer you a selection of 3 products from the Patrice Mulato brand to enhance your children's hair while respecting their fragile scalp, thanks to a composition of up to 99% natural ingredients.
Anti-lice products
Lice when you are a child, it is sometimes difficult to escape, fortunately with Zéro-Poux, treat your children (as a preventative or treatment) effectively and naturally. These are products that are not aggressive for the skin and hair fiber that will kill and slowly remove nits and lice. As a preventative measure after treatment, apply a dose of repellent spray before returning to school!
Suitable brushes
Tangle Teezer brushes are known and recognized for their gentle and breakage-free detangling power. They are therefore ideal for gently detangling your children's hair. Thanks to their fine and flexible pins, they detangle the hair while bending to its shape, thus limiting breakage.